Friday, 22 April 2016

Reason 3: easiest settling in at work

It is true.  After university, I worked for 4 companies (1 small, 1 medium and 2 big organizations) in Hong Kong, 3 companies (2 medium 1 big organizations) in Melbourne, and here I am, with a small organization in Seattle.

This is the easiest settling in since I started my full time work-life 17 years ago.  Maybe it's because there is no "internal client", so everyone is relaxed with the language, tone and behaviour.  Maybe it's because after that many years of work life, I have a knack of settling in.......

But, I know, down deep in my reasoning, my peers here are so sweet and cute and funny.

At work, we use Slack, a messaging software like Skype, for instant messaging.  My peers had a Haiku feverish one day, everyone of them transformed into a poet and the Slack conversations were all Haiku, ended with programming pseudocode generating Haiku poems......

I had to save the entire conversation history to show my kids. That's how cute they are!

One afternoon, I had a causal chat with Ryan, a workmate, about his hobbies.  He homemakes from icecream to soap to wood work...... I told him how I attempted to homemake lipsticks but failed, and how I would love to experiment soap and candle making.

Monday morning, when I arrived at my desk, I saw these on it: homemade soap bars and homemade Apple Butter!!!!!  How Sweeeeet!  


When Ryan came into work, passing my desk, I stopped him :"Ryan!  Come give me a hug!!".............. :)

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